Sunday, August 9, 2009


It may skip your eyes that the very character to be successful that I alluded to yesterday is also called Emotional Intelligence.

You may ask, "Isn't EQ the calm quiet pleasant humble personality that could stand all sorts of verbal abuse ?"

On that, you are wrong. The original idea of emotional intelligence, and the suggestion that EQ is related to the chance of being successful (using outcome measures such as the result in open examinations), both in the classical text of Daniel Goleman, is that ""goal-directed self-imposed delay of gratification".

In fact, in the original Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, the concept of EQ actually encompasses Adversity Quotient, Social Quotient, and a number of other Qs that are proposed by those clumsy imitators. As the old proverb says, the first one who use flower to describe a woman was a genius ...

PS. If EQ is merely the ability to stand insults by the others, Neville Chamberlain would probably be the most intelligent (in the emotional aspect) person in human history - but it was Winston Churchill who could tolerate all the hard times (from the German army as well as the Parliament) and defeated Hitler.

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