Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Students of Chinese calligraphy know very well that there are four great calligraphers of regular scripts (楷書四大家).

They are Yan Zhenqing (顏真卿), Liu Gongquan (柳公權), Ouyang Xun (歐陽詢), and Zhao Mengfu (趙孟頫).

In addition, there are (another) four great calligraphers of the early Tang dynasty (
初唐四大家). They are Ouyang Xun (歐陽詢), Yu Shinan (虞世南), Xue Ji (薛稷), and Chu Suiliang (褚遂良).

One notable fact that may skip your eyes is, six of these seven people, except Zhao, were senior officials of the Tang empire.

The reason is simple. Li Shimin (李世民) was a fans of calligraphy, and he set up a culture that officials of excellent handwriting were favorably promoted.

You may consider that a biased system. Nonetheless, people who could write clearly generally mean that their mind is orderly and they know what they are doing.

As the old Chinese saying: 心正則筆正.

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