Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I must say the continuous assessment form for our final year students doesn't worry me at all.

Let me show you a recent email from other parts of the solar system; it is (one of) my real worry.


(The extra-terrestrial assessors) would like to see a more systematic way of giving feedback to students on all exams. They appreciate that we do not want to show students the actual MCQ questions but they suggest several ways of doing it :
  1. De-briefing sessions to the whole class (some panels are already doing this); OR
  2. Some comments about common errors / misconceptions to be posted to the students by web or email (some exams are doing that already) AND
  3. Students are allowed, within a designated period after the exams, to look at the scripts with textual answers (e.g. SAQs) and that if they wish, to have a discussion with the teacher concerned.

Well, while we always comment that our students put too much emphasis on examination rather than focus on acquiring skills to become a competent doctor, are we encouraging them to behave that way ?

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