Sunday, April 18, 2010


While talking about the running of this blog, I must say I had very little planning when I began the whole thing. It was merely a vague idea that I do have enough opinion on a variety of subject so that I could write on regularly.

(I agree that's quite against my usual personality, which tries to plan most things ahead. But, I am no governor of the universe, and do on occasion allow things to happen by random. After all, even god throws dice.)

Similarly, I had no plan to write diary (the hard copy one I mean) whatsoever. In fact, I started writing it nearly 25 years ago for some unrelated reason.

It went like this: Shortly after I entered the medical school, I began some private study on Chinese poetry. Because my reading was rather patchy, I decided to keep a little notebook to jot down the good pieces that I encountered. Soon afterwards, I began to add some comments to the poem. The situation gradually evolved; I soon had no poem to put down (because the subject of my private study became philosophy) but quite a bit of comments (alas, grumbles) to write.

And that formed my diary.

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