Friday, April 9, 2010


My recent bedtime reading is 《明朝那些事兒》 - again I borrow it from AL.

To be specific, I read only book one, which focused on Zhu Yuanzhang (朱元璋). Although I have much interest in history, the Ming dynasty is a period that I distinctly dislike, and I decided not to ask AL for the latter volumes of this series.

By and large my personal bias against the Ming emperors was because of a book, the name of which I have forgotten, that I read in primary school. It was about the Tumubao Crisis (土木堡之變), and the tragic death of Yu Qian (于謙).

From that time, I understand justice is imaginary and fairness hallucinatory.

And, the years between 1368 to 1644 were omitted subconsciously from my mind.

PS. My little story also proves that history is not suitable for school children.

Maybe our government is right after all.

1 comment:

JW said...

Yet, this is also the dynasty which demonstrated all the features described in "How the Mightly Fall" by Jims Collins. Reading Ming's history helps me develop the skill to spot declining business.