Tuesday, September 28, 2010


After reading my recent blog on tolerance, my friend L caught me on my way home and asked, "Are you talking about that little island? You are completely mistaken!"

"Oh, don't be silly. I was referring to something else. But what do you think I have mistaken?" I smiled.

"I mean, our leader is not tolerating. In fact, I would say he behaves rather properly - or wisely." My friend said - after a moment of silence, he added, "And also in the matter related to the exchange rate."

"But he is doing nothing !" I said, "Rather plainly he turns a blind eye to both issues. In the most modest term I call it procrastination."

"You may be right," L chuckled, "But this is the time when procrastination is the best strategy."

"Is it?" I could not believe my ears.

"Alas, do not allow anger or the urge to do something blind your eyes. That straight man is facing a terrible problem inside - his party is about to split. All he wants is stirring up matters and creating an enemy outside, so that he could unite his people." He pointed out.

I was forced to agree.

"And, as to that black president, his party is facing the mid-term election. It is obvious that he achieved nothing in improving the economy. What could be better than blaming everything to a stawman?" L continued.

"I see. Oh, the tactic really appears familiar." I said.

"There's nothing new under the sun," my friend suddenly sounds like Sherlock Holmes, "Stalin, Hitler, Hideki Tojo, and many others tried it."

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