Sunday, September 26, 2010


While I was thinking about tolerance of evil, another story from ancient China came to my mind:




《史記· 鄭世家第十二》


For those who had difficulty in reading Chinese, here is the English version of the story I found in Wikipedia (which I modified slightly):

Born as the first of two sons and groomed for the throne, Zheng's mother nevertheless preferred her second son. The reason being that she suffered through an extraordinarily painful time when giving birth to Zheng. (Szeto's note: It was a breech presentation.) When Duke Zheng ascended to the dukedom over the violent objections of his mother, she began plotting to get the younger brother, Gongshu Duan (叔段), into power.

First she asked Zheng to give Duan the second largest city in the country (and was a very important fortress) as a fiefdom. Zheng's courtiers begged him to reject the proposal, but out of courtesy for his mother he agreed.

(To be continued.)

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