I shall not discuss how much is true in the colourful description of our local sensational literature. Nonetheless, in terms of fighting for democracy, his method is - similar to the remark of Hercule Poirot on Cyrus Hardman (in Murder on the Orient Express) - nothing more or less than absurd.
You do not comprehend? Let me give you a slightly tortuous explanation.
Ever since I first read Demigods and Semi Devils (天龍八部) of Jin Yong (金庸), I was amazed by the character Murong Bo (慕容博).
The plot was simple: Murong came from the royal family of Xianbei (鮮卑); the purpose of his life was to re-establish the long vanished Yan (燕) Empire.
But, what did he actually do? He made friend with the head monk of the Shaolin Temple (少林寺), tried creating conflicts between the Sung (宋) and Liao (遼) Empires, and assassinated a few adversaries. In traditional English jargon, he was a rolling stone and gathered no moss.
What good is yelling at the Victoria Park? It is miles away from the government headquarters, and thousands of miles away from Beijing.
Real changes could usually only be made from within.
Do you think the Berlin Wall was torn down by Ronald Reagan?
No, it was Mikhail Gorbachev!
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