Saturday, December 25, 2010


While thinking about the meaning of the Winter Festival, my friend CB told me that a star was recently named after our man from Pluto.

I was horrified.

Of course I am old fashioned and continue to believe one should not be too bright and outshine the people around (not to say if you have a boss). The traditional Chinese custom is to shoot any high flyer (槍打出頭鳥) - unfortunately often in its literal sense.

And, a living man who agrees to have a star named after him must be remarkable if not extraordinary (as defined by Humphrey Appleby). He would have the personality to agree having our right arm raised and say Heil Pluto, Heil, mein Führer when we meet our friend, or agree to have a little red book to summarize all his sayings so that the next generation could wave to greet him.

As the old Chinese saying: You can infer from little things (見小曰明).


I shouldn't think too much, I know.

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