Monday, October 3, 2011


Zhang Binglin was one of the founder of the Tongmeng Group (同盟會), which was the predecessor of the subsequent Chinese Nationalist Party (中國國民黨).

In addition to the Hsing Chung Club (興中會) of Sun Yat-Sen, the other major branch of the Tongmeng Group was the Huaxing Club (華興會), established by Huang Xing (黃興), nicknamed Huang Keqiang (黃克強).

Huang met Sun Yat-sen in Tokyo in the summer of 1905. In order to focus all anti-Manchu parties, Huang proposed to merge Huaxing with Sun's Hsing Chung. When the two first put together the Tongmeng Group, Sun became the president - nominated by Huang. The famous slogan of the Group (驅逐韃虜,復興中華), was designed by Huang. In fact, in the following six years before the Xinhai Revolution, after a series of unsuccessful campaigns, Huang was proposed on half a dozen of occasions by other Tongmeng members to take over the Group as president - for Huang was a pragmatist and physically took part in almost every event, while Sun was an idealist and kept traveling around to broadcast his own idea.

One notable example was the Second Guangzhou Uprising, commonly known to us as the Yellow Flower Mound Revolt (黃花岡之役), Huang was the last survivor to leave the battlefield, and sustained a major injury in his right arm; two fingers were broken.

By the way, he escaped to Hong Kong, and was operated in the Nethersole Hospital at that time.

PS. Huang died at the age of 42 because of recurrent variceal bleeding. His medical history was equally interesting as his political career, for his liver problem apparently developed together with symptoms suggestive of myocarditis or cardiomyopathy, and he's not an alcoholic.

It sounds a good MRCP grey case.

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