Sunday, October 16, 2011


While I was thinking of all these, a shocking news came up from my morning paper.

Steve Jobs died.

I shall not elaborate my opinion on the Apple; it's been talked about not too long ago. (See Nonetheless, a remarkable practice of this founder of a computer kingdom is worth mentioning.

He never did market research.

His argument was simple and came directly from Henry Ford: If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

If Jobs did ask, we would have said more handy Discman and faster laptop computers.

And, for the same reason, it may be quite useless to ask for student feedback on a medical curriculum. Or, to put it in another language, they shouldn't think in an area that they do not have the complete information or capability to judge.

Alas, I am contradicting myself.

I have schizoid personality disorder, I know.

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