Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I must say I was first attracted by Oufuku Shokan because of nothing but its very layout: The stories were told in by a series of letters.

It reminds me of Miho Nakayama (中山美穗) and her Love Letter (情書).

I shall not elaborate further. For the audience who had watched this film, sufficient was said; for the others, you missed one of the best romantic movies.

By the way, the actual love letter that Itsuki Fujii (藤井樹) received from her secret admirer was hidden in the library card of À la recherche du temps perdu (追憶逝水年華) of Marcel Proust - a real romantic story that I never had a chance to read.

PS. Of course it is slightly outdated to talk about letters. Just ask yourself: When was the last time you picked up a pen and wrote a personal letter? (No, not the ones you write to the Council for the application of a certificate, or to the Faculty for a revision of your examination score.) In fact, email is now considered by some youngsters to be outdated - at least if you write in complete sentence with no spelling mistake or grammatical error.

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