Monday, February 13, 2012


(… cont’d)

The consultant and his trainee quickly finish with the rest of the round. When they are walking to the clinic, the senior doctor determines to resume the discussion.

“A haunted room? That can’t be true. After all, we moved to this new hospital block just last year, and I cannot remember a single patient died in that room!”

“Sir, the problem is, they did see vivid things at night – it’s not only this patient, but a few others who did stay in that room.” The young doctor explained.

“What did they see?”

“A woman in white dress.”

“Well, OK. What did this woman in white do? Did she take off her head or show a tongue two-feet long?” The consultant is obviously annoyed.

“None what-so-ever, sir,” the trainee goes on, “This woman-in-white always stands next to the door for a while, and then comes forward to the patient and tells the patient not to occupy the bed for too long – because the bed is hers!”

The consultant is startled. But, in no time, he turns into a laughter, “Alas, there may be a very simple explanation of the entire story.”

“Yes…?” The young doctor could not imagine what.

“They may have just seen our ward manager, who is crazy for making up some empty beds for the winter surge!” The consultant purses his lips.

1 comment:

JW said...
