Friday, February 10, 2012


While talking about Daddy Long-Legs, I cannot help to think of Candy Candy (小甜甜) – the classic Japanese comics written by Yumiko Igarashi (五十嵐優美子).

My déjà vu feeling is easily explained, for the two stories are eighty percent similar. (Despite the advances in artificial intelligence, too bad there’s no simple computer software that could test the plagiarism of idea.)

Of course, to be fair to the Japanese author, the plot of Candy Candy is more elaborated and, at least in 1970s when the story was first published, at the forefront of the society. Although Mr. Audrey was almost certainly an adopted version of Mr. Smith, Anthony and Terry are superb additions.

PS. For obvious reasons, I watched its TV series but never the original comics, and my memory of Candy is rather fragmented - perhaps except her argument with one of her aggressive classmates on what makes a good nurse.

Go read

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