Friday, May 24, 2013


Shortly after that outstanding dinner at Pluto, we had our final MB examination.

I shall not elaborate what happened, but a small incident was remarkable. The story goes like this: On the morning of the second day, shortly after the first round of the examination, we noted that we gave the wrong instruction sheet to a candidate. In short, the candidate was supposed to have a sample referral letter for a patient with disease X, but, we gave a referral letter which stated that the patient had disease Y.

Fortunately, the examiners were very experienced and noticed the problem right the way. They made no comment to the student, who simply continued with the drama.

Ten minutes later, when the station finished and that student was waiting for his second station of examination, I went and tapped on his shoulder, "Is everything OK?"

"Em... yes, sir," he said slowly, "But the patient appears confused."

I smiled and walked away. By this very answer I was sure he should do well.

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