Thursday, May 30, 2013


If you consider the concept of self sufficiency from a wider perspective, the implication would be more obvious.

For example, if you think being self sufficient in food supply is important for a country (to be independent, to have self respect, et cetera), how about self sufficient in fuel and steel?

And the list becomes endless. How about automobiles, computer chips, and military supply?

You may think the above discussion may be important but the underlying idea is silly. No country could be independent in everything it needs and internationally trade is necessary. (In other words, all countries inevitably have to outsource some of its supply or production line and rely on international trade.) Nonetheless, all these considerations are really irrelevant for a practising physician.

But, let's forget about a country and consider the running of a hospital or HMO - Hospital Authority is no exception.

Say, does it have to be self sufficient and run its own canteen?

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