Saturday, May 4, 2013


Had a short trip to visit a medical school north to the Shenzhen river.

I arrived in the evening and was took immediately to a business dinner. (The discussion was unexpectedly hot and serious.) That night, I rang up Vivian and tried to see where were our princesses up to. Naturally, as a amateur gourmet, my wife asked, "How's the dinner tonight?"

Of course she meant the food.

"Good by and large. The menu was western, but the serving was Chinese."

"You mean it's kind of fusion cuisine?"

"No, the dishes are head-to-toe western - Italian with American adaptation I would say." I said slowly, "But how they served the dinner was really Chinese. You know, on the menu there were two options for the main dish - maybe sirloin steak and salmon, I can't remember. But I was served with one without being asked for my preference!"

PS. I must say our friends from that crooked universe were literally correct. They only stated that there are two options, but it merely means that either of them may appear, and they were never meant for my choosing.

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