Sunday, May 5, 2013


Although the visit was largely for a business purpose, I had the privilege of visiting the teaching hospital of our host the morning after that impressive dinner.

There were a dozen of us - presumably one representative from each Asia-Pacific country. We were led by an executive officer from the local faculty. After a brief introduction on the history of the medical school, we found ourselves walking up a long stairway in front of an old red-brick building.

"This is now our administration block. It used to be the out-patient clinic." Our tour guide explained.

"Out-patient clinic!" My friend from Thailand exclaimed, "How could patients walk up such a trying height of stairway?"

"That's quite natural." I smiled, "The situation is similar to how we determine which patient is eligible for ICU admission nowadays - by asking if they could climb stairs. Eighty years ago, when resource was limited, only patients who were fit enough could receive any medical care!"

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