Sunday, April 20, 2014


While thinking about the sound of silence, I met my friend L again.

“Hullo. Long time no see.” I suddenly realized he had in his hands a voluminous file and a small note book, “Oh, I could see that you are hurrying to a meeting. What a surprise!”

“Alas, I have to prove myself worth the salt,” my friend looked slightly embarrassed, “. And, as to the project that I am being involved, I suppose you know well enough the behaviour of extraterrestrials. Let me show you the letter that drew me into this muddle.”

He showed me a piece of re-use paper – obviously my friend printed it out by his own computer from an email:

Dear L,

I would like to invite you to join the Policy Review Committee. I know some of your colleagues are already in the Policy Design Committee but it is vital, per our CEO’s view too, that the two committees overlap and work in tandem.

(I omit here another 2000 words or so, all about the work to be done.)

Due to major time constraints, we probably need to start working very soon.

Sincerely, et cetera, E (Chairman of the Policy Review Committee)

I put down the paper and looked at my friend. I must have appeared very puzzled – for my friend was smiling curiously.

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