Monday, April 7, 2014


When I mentioned the phenomenon of asking Colonels (and, in fact, Majors) to do the front line job, you may not notice it brings along a critical problem:

Do they need supervision?

I must say there is a schizophrenia of opinion even amongst soldiers of the middle grade (if I may use this term). On one hand, they are reasonably seasoned soldiers and wish to do things in their own way. And, contrary to the belief of many people, there is actually little evidence that further supervision by a senior (and senile) General would make things better - it could be quite the opposite. (I discussed this topic some years ago in this site. Go read

However, most Majors and Colonels know their own limit and would be eager to seek advise from the senior rank when they face a challenging task. Many new Colonels also feel anxious and insecure if asked to take up a troop as a stand-alone unit in a new stronghold. After all, the life so short, the craft so long to learn. There is much to master even after becoming a Colonel.

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