Monday, October 6, 2008


What could be achieved with the US$850 billion bailout package ?

For sure that's not enough to take away all the questionable loans from the market. We know very well the arrangement is meant to stabilize the system, rather than solving the whole problem all at once.

Nonetheless I feel that the World Police would be forced to cut down the number of her people in Iraq. You know what: the "operation" costs around US$750 million each day. In three years, the federal government could save the money back. (Unless the new president is a keen follower of John Keynes and believe that overseas military action would stimulate local industry and economy.)

Oh, don't try to imagine we would have a peaceful world tomorrow. With a government highly in debt, Uncle Sam is more eager than ever to sell weapons to other places ...

... not to say creating a need of those weapons in some countries.

Formosa ? US$6.2 billion ? What else could be a more profitable industrial export ?

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