Thursday, October 16, 2008


On the point of giving the public hope in the middle of a financial crisis, Barack Obama is certainly more creative than any of our local officials:

"(If I am elected to be the president,) I would ask Warren Buffett to be the Treasury Secretary of the United States."

It creates a hallucination that the US government could be run like Berkshire Hathaway.

In that case you should expect the government grows with time, but, as a stockholder (or stakeholder), you would hardly receive any dividend.

PS. John McCain made the same suggestion for the next Treasury Secretary a few days later. It reminds me of the sayings that the first man who compared woman to flower was a genius; the rest of us using the same tactics are nothing but Mohohan.

1 comment:

TW said...

Can we invite Li Ka Shing to be our financial secretary too ?