Saturday, October 4, 2008


Receive an "invitation" to attend certain endowment lecture - to be given by our man in Pluto.

You may be puzzled: He had an inaugural lecture some years ago; what's the purpose of all these ?

That's simple: there is a sum of donation and the name of certain billionaire is attached to the professor title as a prefix. What's better than a lecture to publicly announce the benefactor's name ?

And what's better than involving medical students to ensure an adequate number of Homo sapiens sitting around ?

You see, the lecture is therefore not for the benefit of the audience, but the donor. Any successful dissemination of knowledge is a fortunate by-product. (This is, well, one step further than what I mentioned about writing our own textbook some days ago.)

And, with an elaborated prefix in his title, our professor is raised to the level of 文武大聖大廣孝皇帝 (the official name of Li Shimin [李世民]) and 合天弘運文武睿哲恭儉寬裕孝敬誠信中和功德大成仁皇帝 (the official name of Emperor Kangxi [康熙]).

For once I feel sorry for my chairman.

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