Friday, October 17, 2008


If not because of his age, Charles Munger would be a better choice of the next United States Treasury Secretary than Warren Buffett.

For those who are not familiar with the financial news, Munger is the Vice President of Berkshire Hathaway, and is the business partner of the famous investor for decades. Contrary to Buffett, who devotes his time almost exclusively to business, Munger is not involved in the day-to-day operations of Berkshire for many years.

The more important character of this right-hand man of Buffett is that he is a generalist - investment is only one of a broad range of his interests. He would certainly have a bird's view on the financial country of America (and probably of the world).

One famous piece of his work is Elementary, Worldly Wisdom, which is a speech he gave in the University of South California in 1994. It is no doubt an ideal syllabus of general education.

PS. Before writing this blog, I had the romantic idea that Munger is much younger than Buffett. It just came as a surprise when I looked up the Wikipedia and realized that the former is actually 84-year-old.

As Martin Ruth said: You will find it very good practice always to verify your reference, sir.

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