Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Went to the kindergarten admission interview with Euterpe.

The meeting took 15 minutes in late afternoon, but it needed quite a bit of planning and preparation. You know what, we've been busy from the morning: arranged a proper dress, had lunch, took a nap, opened the bowel, and packed up for outing. Although the kindergarten was just a 5-minute-walk from my home, I don't think I had more preparatory work for a trip to America.

The classroom was full of children and parents. (I learned later the day that there were 600 kids but 60 vacancies.) In spite of all the effort, my worry turned into reality and Euterpe didn't say a word with the teacher - she was just interested in the toys at hand.

The teacher gave me a polite smile; I returned an embarrassed one.

And off she went.

Alas, I suddenly remembered what LS told me: A professor of a medical school is nothing when compared to a kindergarten teacher.

I shouldn't worry that much, I know.

PS. Time has changed. Kindergarten was nothing important when I was a kid. In fact, I had merely 3 months of K-2 and a year of K-3 before entering primary school. Thank goodness my mother was a full time housewife and took the trouble to teach me language and arithmetic. After all, that's all you have to learn.

1 comment:

JW said...

Everything become important after being exaggerated by businessmen. Education is no exception.