Thursday, October 9, 2008


On a few occasions recently Vivian and myself were each asked about what our dreams, or birthday wishes, are. (I have a deja vu feeling of being asked to write an essay with the title "我的志願" in my primary school days.)

Here are some sample answers:

"Able to be off work at 6 p.m. each day."
"Retire at the age of 50."
"Have more time with my family."


You may find my recent writings somewhat obscure. Oh, I am in no way trying to imitate Franz Kafka (although I would love to).

殷中軍被廢,在信安,終日恒書空作字. 揚州吏民尋義逐之,竊視,唯作‘咄咄怪事’四字而已.

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