Thursday, October 2, 2008


"How to prolong the life expectancy of this patient by one day ?" Some years ago I asked myself this very question.

My answer at that time was: If this patient has to waste one day of his life in the hospital and wait for nothing, get him discharged a day earlier - he could enjoy one additional day, probably in the prime of his life rather than an extra day for him when he is terminally ill with tubes and drips around.

And the number-needed-to-treat of this tactic is ONE - everyone would benefit.

Of course the scope could be broaden: If you could save the patient from waiting nothing for an hour (say, in the consultation room, pharmacy, or - for relatives - interview room), you are prolonging an equivalent duration of useful life expectancy.

PS. It is exactly for this reason I take it a serious crime to keep the others waiting. If you take the cumulative sum, more lives are ruined each day by unnecessary waiting than any disease, poison, or warfare.

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