Friday, April 24, 2009


VW made a comment on my blog on 15th April - but the quote was too ahead of its time and seems more relevant to my discussion on the following days.

His citation was a famous one: 人之有異能於其身,猶錐之在囊,其末立見。

For those who are not familiar with Chinese literature, the citation comes from Cai Lun (材論) of Wang Anshi (王安石). This classic essay begins like this: 天下之患,不患材之不眾,患上之人不欲其眾;不患士之不為,患上之人不使其為也。

The whole sentence of VW's quote should be: 世之蔽者方曰 "人之有異能於其身,猶錐之在囊,其末立見,故未有有其實而不可見者也。" 此徒有見於錐之在囊,而固未睹夫馬之在廄也。

Yes, there are quite many horses hidden in stables, but I would add a further story:

或問統曰: "如所言,陸子為勝乎?"
統曰: "駑馬雖精,所致一人耳;駑牛一日行三百里,所致豈一人之重哉?"
(世說新語箋疏, 中卷下, 品藻第九)

Alas, there are many good horses hidden in stables, but there are even more excellent cows we missed because they seem humble and concentrate on their work.

1 comment:

Vincent Wong said...

The truncated quote is obviously only useful to describe people who turn out to be successful. Nevertheless, I think it is still a good habit to ask if I am sharp enough before complaining about the bag.