Thursday, April 9, 2009


Appreciating the poster of each individual division that we recently put up along the corridor.

To an observer with paranoid personality disorder, it was really eye-opening. My first question was (as I asked AL): Who decided the layout?

Because they are such a vivid demonstration and comparison of the strength and weakness between divisions - in terms of manpower at least.

Nonetheless, a more profound question would be: Who was responsible for preparing and proofreading the content?

No, there's no secretarial or clerical mistake - AL wouldn't allow that to happen. Just that the posters are Freudian slip of each division head on how they treat their trainees and junior members:
  • some call them residents and resident specialists
  • others say trainees and MOs
  • a few just completely ignore them
Can't you recollect which is which? 

"You see, but you do not observe."

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