Friday, April 3, 2009


One of my watches - the one that I often wear during holiday - had its battery used up. I took it to a local store to have it replaced.

I decided to try my luck and brought with me another watch to replace the battery. It was a Baby G-shock - a gift of my younger sister but had not been running for nearly ten years.

To my surprise, the Baby woke up promptly with the new heart. Like all patients waking up from coma, it was agitated and confused for a while - the timer kept running, and the date could not be re-set. (Oh, it came from the last millennium !)

But, after a bit of shaking and buttoning, it did show the date and time again.

And I find a new present for Euterpe.

PS. I know remotely the owner of the shop, but he was apparently out for lunch when I arrived. Two of his assistants stayed behind, and I could see them trying very hard to figure out how to replace the battery. Nonetheless, I suddenly realize how our patients feel when they see the consultant surgeon is not around and their operation is being done - under local anesthesia - by a junior trainee.

I decided to be a benign relative for once, and thanked them for their hard work before I left.

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