Sunday, April 19, 2009


The sobering fact is: Setting up a new system is counted as an achievement, while doing an existing job well gives you no credit.

That's why we do not encourage our students to study available textbooks on the market, but infuse our energy and write a new one. The one for our own students. Yes, a grandiose proposal. Who cares about the quality ?

For the same reason, we set up new regulations - for the hospital, and for the city as a whole. When a problem appears, the solution is to set up yet a few other rules and restrictions. There is obviously a romantic idea that our society is a clock, and it could go foreword if, and only if, we are a swinging pendulum.


For those who are interested in the theory of Management, the primary primary principle of investigating a problem is to make the diagnosis: Is it a one-off accident due to a series of unfortunate events, an isolated incident due to one troublesome staff, or the tip-of-the-iceberg of some recurrent problem ?

And only in the last case, we have to make the less important decision: What can we do to improve the system and avoid the recurrence ?

Go read Peter Drucker.

1 comment:

Vincent Wong said...

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Many leaders probably miss the "right" word.