Monday, April 13, 2009


Still many people would consider that a serious loss to give up the training and skill that my little friend acquired over the years. That may be true.

Nonetheless, who knows in what way would those skill and knowledge be applied to an entirely different area in her future ?

And there is no short of examples that people trained up for medicine but ended up successfully in a different field. To name a few:
  • Sun Yat-sen (孫文)
  • Lu Xun (魯迅)
  • Tezuka Osamu (手塚治虫)
  • Futaro Yamada (山田風太郎)
  • Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Michael Crichton
  • Edward de Bono
Alas, you do not have to go that far. The experience, endurance, and (hopefully) logical thinking that one gather from medical school and physician training is an excellent education that would be invaluable for one to move on - wherever that is.

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