Friday, April 10, 2009


Lunch with PS; I was amazed to learn she was hiring a part-time statistician.

"It is more easy to get big grants nowadays if you put up a statistician as your collaborator. They give a sense of security (to the granting agency) because output (journal papers, she meant) is guaranteed."

Maybe she is right. That's why I never have big grants.

But I must confess I am never fond of any statistician. Yes, they may be completely respectable and trustworthy people - but they probably live in a different universe and communicate in an entirely alien language, so much so I prefer to learn the subject myself.

Well, I'm not trying to be the one who knows all. As I told PS, if you are a billionaire, you could afford hiring a cook or even a servant dedicated for preparing the dessert of your dinner. But for a poor university academic, I've got to make my own dinner, wash the dishes, clean the floor, and what not; I am the Filipino maid of myself.

PS. I am unacceptably superstitious and have a deep-rooted belief in reincarnation. For a long time, I am convinced that statisticians must be Georg Hegel three hundred years ago.

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