Saturday, June 19, 2010


Since I slept very little the night before, I had to leave early in the farewell dinner.

When I jumped into a taxi, the driver asked in a smile, "Rushing home to watch the World Cup ?"

"Oh, no," I replied, and then, I said to myself, "Yes, I like football, but I'm hardly enthusiastic enough to watch the game live."

"Right, not everyone likes watching two dozens of people keep running and chasing one ball," the driver continued, "But our famous movie star really makes me mad. You know, when being asked on which team he thought would win the World Cup, he said it would either be Barcelona or AC Milan !"

I chuckled. My memory went to a story I heard from a colleague of mine.


One day, when a retiring economist was talking to his successor, the old one said, "You know, the tsunami is not yet cleared, and the financial system of America is still weak. I expect the US dollar would continue to go down."

The latter nodded and agreed; the comment was a Sunday school truth after all.

"Therefore, if you have some spare money, go for Euro." The former went on.

The young academic smiled and remained silent; his friend Warren had told him that much.

The old economist continued, "But, Europe is not entirely safe either - look at the PIGS !"

"Yes ..." the successor became slightly uneasy to keep quiet for so long, "Then ...?"

"Therefore, you should buy only the French or German Euro !" The economist finished with a triumphant twist of his lips.

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