Thursday, June 24, 2010


Seeing that I did have some shares of PetroChina a few years ago, I could not refrain from thinking of the recent oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico.

I shall not elaborate on the details, but would rather show you a list of search and news headings that I came across when going through the topic in the internet:
  • BP oil spill
  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill
  • Offshore oil drilling
  • United States offshore drilling debate
  • US oil politics
  • US plan of energy independence
  • US financial and public debts
  • Global oil reserves
  • US petroleum imports
  • US Israel relations
  • Jews and Arabs
PS. Frequent Google users know very well that as soon as you type a few letters, a list of suggested search items would come up. The very phenomenon is, when you type "United States Israel", the first term that Google suggests to follow is United States Israel relations, while United States Israel policy does not appear on the list.

You see, there is only relation, no policy.

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