Thursday, May 26, 2011


Shortly after we said farewell to GY, we had our final examination.

I shall not elaborate the details of happenings here. Suffice to say there were no short of surprise in the examination every year – to the students as well as organizers all the same.

On Wednesday afternoon, after we had done with the clinical examination and were going through the individual scores again, one of our quick-eyed colleagues commented, “It seems not uncommon to have a pair of examiners giving substantially different scores to the same candidate.”

“Quite right,” one of the external examiners agreed, “In a scale of 20, a difference in score by 4 would seem deserving attention.”

“Don’t worry,” I tried to sooth the others (maybe not all that successfully), “The frequency and magnitude of discrepancy in scoring at hand is quite the same as what we observed over the previous years...”

Alas, while I was saying this, the other half of my cerebral cortex was going through some corresponding calculations – The subject could be explored in an entirely scientific manner.

I shall elaborate tomorrow.

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