Sunday, May 22, 2011


During a casual dinner chat, my mother said, "I rang up M this afternoon."

M is the elder brother of my father. He is a Hong Kong citizen, but, after retirement, he moved back to the mainland and stayed with his family there.

"Do you know what's the first sentence he said in the phone?" My mother went on.

"Eh ...?"

"He asked when he would get the money!"

"What money?" I was surprised.

"That HK$6000 promised by our financial secretary !"

"Wa... haha..." I could not stop laughing, "What did you tell him?"

"I just said I have even no idea when I would get my HK$6000."

That's a fair comment. I considered for a while and said, "The bottleneck now is, of course, our thickheaded senior government officials have no idea how to give away the money. In fact, I always think it's not as difficult as they imagine."

"Eh... How?"

"Mail by cheque to all registered voters - to the address in the government's record. Of course they should give a certain period to allow everyone to update their address, and for all qualified voters to register if they have not done so already. If asked for a justification, the government could always say the money is a little token to encourage democracy !"

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