Monday, July 2, 2012


(The discussion at the Royal Palace continued.)

Queen: Christopher, what kind of people do you think we should send to this new piece of land?

Columbus: Your majesty, we need a lot of work to explore and build up the place. I think we should send a good troop of young and middle-age people to run this colony.

King: Do you mean only the elderly and kids are left for our home country? In that case, who is going to run our own Iberian Peninsula?

Queen: Let's turn a blind eye to that problem at the moment. But, first, let's solve the problem that I know also faced by King Henry - how are we going to make our people move to the new colony?

Columbus: Your majesty, that could be simple - as soon as your people lose their job.

Both Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand jumped up from their seat. They could not believe their ears.

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