Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Met a colleague of mine during lunch.

“KL was looking for you the whole morning.”  One of us around the table told the late professor.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Got to be the teaching hour business,” my colleague said calmly, “You know, KL was very eager to have every division cutting down the amount of seminar teaching, but not everyone of my team agree to cut short their own bit. And, you known, I am not in the position to order them what to do – after all, I’m just a small potato!”

I tried my best not to laugh – at least not aloud, “I could understand your difficulty. So, what’s the problematic topic?”

“Em… the one about lipoma…” my friend hesitated – I fancied my colleague’s face turned red, “Our best teacher insisted that he needs two hours for the topic.”

Thank goodness I had no food in my mouth – otherwise I’m sure I would have choked to death.

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