Friday, November 16, 2012


(The meeting continued.)

After a moment of silence, over the other side of the table, the representative from Cybertron raised his hand and said, “Can we help? We may not be able to do all the work, but, for some of it, we can certainly make an effort and contribute.”

“That sounds great!” King Nikochan cheered.

“But, just one thing,” the Autobot went on, “We need back up by creatures with flesh-and-blood. On rare occasions, when we encounter difficult in the work, we need someone to fall back upon.”

“I would be happy to back you up,” the Alien said, “But my planet is too far away from yours.”

“You don't even have enough alien to stay on your own planet...” the Predator murmured.

“Em… although my place is close to Cybertron,” Godzilla looked annoyed, “I don't think any of my monstrous dinosaur could spare their time.

“How often do you need some urgent help?” King Nikochan asked the Autobot.

“Alas, once a year... maybe even less,” the latter replied.

“Your majesty, if you insist we should offer some help, we could,” Godzilla turned to the King, “But my men would not be happy...

“Ah...!” I woke up from my nightmare - finding myself sitting amongst a selected collection of lovely creatures.

I hurried to find a mirror to check my face.

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