Monday, November 26, 2012


My fortunate evening did not end with my glasses repaired. After dinner, while winding up the clockwork of my pocket watch - the souvenir of my wedding - I slipped it on to the floor and its cover glass came off. It took me another 20 minutes to put it back.

And, an hour later, I began to have tummy cramp - followed by bouts of diarrhea.

No, my point is not to tell you how unfortunate I was that evening, or its astrological implication (if there's any).

The real issue is, that night, before I went to bed, when I wrote my diary, I could only recollect what happened throughout the day and had completely forgotten my unfortunate evening. A few days later, when I came to think of it, I was amazed with how our mind filters out unpleasant information.

A good memory is a bad (or, at least, a selective) memory.

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