Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Discerning visitors would notice I did not say bedtime reading yesterday for the Pearly Gate book.

That’s because I did not read most of it before sleep.

The change is more profound than you would imagine. For over ten years, I take a taxi home when I’m off work. Late in the evening, when my daughters go to bed, I write my blog and do some bedtime reading before retiring to bed myself. This schedule works well, except I frequently doze off in the middle of a paragraph.

So, I decide to change. Now I leave my office half an hour earlier, take the train home, and read my (previously bedtime) book on my way. Later, after I read the bedtime favorite to my elder princess, I work for another while before bed.

Reason? Gosh, it is more difficult to fall asleep while playing with the computer!

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