Monday, November 19, 2012


On a recent occasion, we were asked to do some planning for our unit ten years later. Of course I have some experience on games of this type. (See

But, seriously, who could predict what is going to happen ten years later?

On the other hand, it is really eye-opening to go through my own diary entries 10 and 20 years ago.

Here you go: 
Lunch with HF and D. Long time no see. Is D coming back to PWH for training? How is her mother? It was last new year eve when she came to the pediatric ward and we had to say goodbye. Too bad.

Dine with SL. We talked about KWH. RK failed FRCS again. I really couldn’t understand.

[18 Nov 1992]
It is surprisingly calm after the complaint letter. Would it be a sign of an approaching hurricane?

Watch I Not Stupid (小孩不笨). It’s damn good.

[18 Nov 2002]

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