Saturday, March 23, 2013


(An anonymous email sent to several colleagues of mine recently.)

Dear Professors,

I am a final year student. I would like to report to the faculty about some rumours that has been spreading among our year.

First of all, I would like to state that I did not obtain the information first-hand.

Recently in the group of final year students attached to Internal Medicine Department of Hospital Z, two male students, namely X and Y, had access to an e-mail addressed to Professor VW regarding the patients to be recruited for the upcoming final MB. That email contains information including patient identity and diagnosis. Also, someone took out their phone and took a picture of the above email.


I would like to clarify that I do not have any personal grudges against these students; however, as a member of my class, I feel obliged to report such unethical and dishonest behaviour. I would kindly like to urge the faculty to clarify and investigate into the incidents.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely, et cetera.

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