Sunday, March 17, 2013


I shall not tell you directly whom I think have the interest to hack a database website.

But, rather, let's go one step backward and ask: What do you think hackers look like?

Alas, it is a romantic, if not naive, idea to think hackers are computer genius who become university dropouts (they would rather set up software companies or social websites), or autistic youngsters who hide themselves in their bedroom and attack here and there for fun.

But no. I would actually consider it a great relief if hackers are really people mentioned above. Nonetheless, hackers call for highly specialized knowledge and often team work. They are, by all definitions, a kind of professional. Most of them earn their living not by transferring money from your account to theirs without your knowing, but by the very action of hacking per se.

Yes, I said earn their living - they are employers.

Do you see where we are getting at?

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