Monday, March 4, 2013


I bought a new mobile phone recently.

The story was simple. I was using the old iPhone 3 for nearly four years. (See when I bought this gadget as a bargain from Apple and Orange - what a combination!) The world changed fast since then: Jobs become C(r)ook, Who is succeeded by She, and people turn from BRIC to MIST.

And, to me, my lovely mobile becomes so outdated that many apps, when they need to be updated, no longer support the old operating system...

... including Whatsapp.

When problem first appeared, the interesting phenomenon was I could see the message that people Whatsapp me, but I could not send out any message. I had a feeling of wearing the disappearing gown of Harry Porter in the electronic world, so that I could see people around but no one notices me. The bad thing was, I counted on my wits and tried to re-install the old program - the system collapsed that and there.

And it is close to a disaster. Whatsapp is the main channel of communication between Vivian and I. (In fact, other than my wife, hardly anyone else Whatsapp me.) For that reason, she urged me to buy a new phone for quite some weeks. Naturally, I have to comply.


TW said...

When will whatsapp be put on list? Must buy the stock!

TW said...

When will whatsapp be put on list? Must buy the stock