Friday, March 29, 2013


I must say I learnt the importance of cooperation in the medical school - for an incident very similar to the one that I outlined in the past few days.

It goes like this: Three or four months before our final MB examination, SL - one of my classmates - visited my room late in the night. SL was a remarkable one in my class, famous for his resourcefulness and excellent link with our predecessors. (The timing was in itself remarkable. SL usually slept late and would not retire to bed before night-food at 1 AM - exactly the time when I got up. See

He showed me a big pile of papers.

"Man, what are these all about?" I asked.

"Szeto, you know, these are past papers of our final - as well as the MCQ question bank - probably an incomplete one." My friend said eagerly.

My eyebrow rose, "Alas, how do you get them?"

"Secret. It's the work of a few of us. But we need your help to make the best use of it."

"Er... How?"

(To be continued.)

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