Sunday, March 24, 2013


Shortly after the remarkable email, I met VW in the corridor.

Our professor of hepatology was obviously not very happy, "Szeto, I believe you get the same email? I must say the event that this anonymous student described could have never happened: We have not started recruiting cases for final MB yet, and I did not receive any email from Hospital Z recently. If Hospital Z does recruit some cases for examination, the information should have been sent to WM, not me. After all, I talked to Dr. Ω of Hospital Z, who is in charge of the whole business there - and he is sure they have not recruited any case and no email of that kind ever exist."

I nodded. (WM is the executive officer of our department.)

"Szeto, do say something. What should we do?"

"Em... Is there really something that we must do? I'm afraid not. The standard instruction is we do not investigate anonymous complaint." I said slowly, "In fact, since the incriminating event is nothing but hallucination, we only have to put up a polite smile and say nothing. If we appear very excited about it, other students may have the impression that there's some element of truth in this business."

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