Monday, July 4, 2011


Shortly after I challenged L on his theory of reducing hospital admission, I met Warren and it became my turn to be challenged.

"You really shouldn't be too harsh on our fresh graduates," he said with a curious smile, "They didn't volunteer a budget of HK$250K for the marriage."

Oh, he was referring to my recent blog entry. (See

"Yes ...?" I hesitated to respond.

"That's obviously the request from the parents - probably from both sides!" My friend pointed out.

"Quite true," I agreed. In fact, just a few days earlier, when I told the story to my mother, she was surprised that I was surprised.

"The budget is entirely reasonable." She said in a tone exactly the same as the one we used to tell Euterpe it is good girl to brush her teeth before going to bed.

I cannot recollect who had the wisdom and said: Marriage isn't between two persons, but instead two families.

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