Saturday, July 2, 2011


I must say I believe our government should insist on their proposal to scrap by-elections via the substitution system, which seems a traditional method according to our culture.

Just a little story from ancient China:


On 2 July (a date not by coincidence), 626 AD, in an intense rivalry with his elder brother Li Jiancheng (李建成), who was the Crown Prince of Tang Empire at that time, Li Shimin (李世民) set an ambush at Xuanwu Gate (玄武門) (the gate leading to Emperor's palace), and killed Li Jiancheng and a younger brother, Li Yuanji (李元吉), who was a supporter of the Crown Prince. In fact, Li Jiancheng was shot by Li Shimin himself according to formal historical record.

Who succeeded the place of the Crown Prince? Li Shimin of course!

Within the same day, Li Shimin sent his chief body-guard, Yuchi Jingde (尉遲敬德), into Emperor Li Yuan (李淵)'s palace. Under intimidation, the emperor installed Li Shimin as crown prince, and two months later passed the throne to him.

Who says National Education (國民教育) is useless ?

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